Corbu Symposium at Pratt
Bush War
“What else could I do? The man tried to kill my Daddy!”
“He called me an idiot! Can you believe it? Me, a Yale grad.”
“And when he stuck his tongue out at me, I said ‘that’s it’. You’re gonna be one damn sad Saddam when I get through with you. What else could I do?”
“And to you idiots who oppose this war, this is no time for name calling or finger pointing. This is the time to shut-up and do what I say!”
“Mess with the Commander-in-Chief and you can expect some of what he got, over there.”
Fireproof Pants
“Yikes! These are supposed to be fireproof pants!”
“My fellow Americans, what you just saw was a deevine intervention! Heh, heh.”
“It says right here that the lord appeared as a flame out of the midst of a bush. And the bush was not consumed! Go look it up!”
Bush Flies Off The Handle
“Take a good look at me. Do I look like a mean, shrieking guy who flies off the handle?”
“What? He says what? ‘Lies’ off the handle? Huh. We’ll see about that.”
“Well, guess what, bonehead? That remark just got you a one way ticket to Gitmo! You’re never coming back! I’m gonna kick your ass! I’m superman! I’m commander in chief, and you’re under arrest! I can detain you indefinitely! Without counsel! Don’t mess with me! I’m the man! Shriek, shriek, shriek! I’ll show you off the handle! I’m not a liar! You are the liar! Shriek, shriek, shriek!”
God Fearing Man
“I’m a God fearing man, but you have to wonder, what was he thinking when he made the ‘Commandments’.”
“Why have ten, when all you really need is one?”
“…thou shalt not lie. Heh, heh.”
Bush Talk
“I don’t need no script to tell me it’s the engineers who are stupid. THEY built the levees. I have no faith in those ‘scientific’ things. So I had them all fired.”
“From now on we are going to have Intelligent Design!”
“I have, right here, the best plan for New Orleans. I call it the ‘no-ah-cluer’ option. Heh, heh.”
“Next time you get a week to prepare for a flood…”
“…go build yourself an ark.”
Lying Bush
“I’m not lying when I say it’s hard work looking busy. Look, ah got ma sleeves rolled-up. Ah got Joey and Zellie driving me crazy down here on the ranch. And ah gotta lance a boil on ma ass ah call ‘big Murtha’. Heh, heh.
“Lets clear some brush”
“Here’s your jacket, lets go flying”
“I say I don’t know and she says I will tell you this, stupid.”
RK Comix: Who Knows What Evil Lurks in the Minds of Liars