Are men necessary? Comments on Maureen Dowd’s book

Maureen Dowd refuses to accept the premise of Jerry Seinfeld that “men are really nothing more than extremely advanced dogs” who want from their women what they want from their underwear: “A little bit of support and a little bit of freedom”.

Seinfeld sums up it up very succinctly except that men are not at all like dogs. The female in heat triggers the male dog’s sexual frenzy. She dictates the window of copulation. Men on the other hand are always ready for sex because women keep them guessing. This behavior evolved to keep the man from running off like a dog to the next available vagina.

Withholding sex is intriguing but men get tired of begging. When the tease becomes torture only masochists stick around. It is my observation that shallow women withhold sex, smart women hold with sex. Men do not possess anything near the complexity of the female psyche. They are just pawns in a game devised by women. Men want sex on demand. That’s all there is to it. They live for sex and will go to extremes for it. Backed up sperm is what they fear most. It renders them helpless and stupefied. In a month a woman produces a single egg. A man, on the other hand, produces twenty billion sperm and counting.

Obviously, this super abundance exists to indiscriminately flood the gene pool. The female on the other hand, is motivated to be discriminating and selective in the best interest of her precious charge. Furthermore, the sexual instinct in women declines along with the urge to conceive. Men, on the other hand, are always in a steady state of lust that is completely at odds with monogamy. He must seek release of this excess energy by other means, be it masturbation or extramarital forays. Unfortunately, for him, both outlets are taboo.

Women are internal and complex by nature. Men are external and simple. Each sex operates at opposite poles exerting a magnetic pull on each other. Unfortunately this irresistible attraction collides head-on with Maureen Dowd’s sensibilities.

Opposites attract. Men use power for sex. Women use sex for power. And make no mistake about it, women have the upper hand. Dowd fails to see that women are responsible for the current state of affairs. They are the majority and men do their bidding. Hillary wants power, Bill wants sex. It’s elemental my dear Dowd.

Modern science has rendered men redundant. Today, the two primary functions of men can be outsourced to labs…fertilizing the egg and hunting red meat (to provide the iron supplement required for the development of the fetus).

Yes, men are no longer necessary but what about the ga-ga stuff?

To be continued.

Maureen Dowd book cover

Thoughts on Black Aesthetics
