“His works are perfect and with deep meaning. His recent project for Harlem is a testament of his commitment to improve the quality of life through Architecture. He lives his passion for architecture and is a most perceptive and deeply talented man.”
— John Hejduk, Dean
Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture
of The Cooper Union
“I can unequivocally attest to his enthusiasm and ability as an architect of conviction who is dedicated to his work.”
— Michael Cetera, Architect
Chief of Architectural Section
NYC Dept of Environmental Protection
“We have routinely presented Mr. Knox with some of our most challenging architectural quandaries. Rod Knox has been our trusted architectural consultant for the last ten years.”
— Rudolph Dupuy, Chief Architect
NYS Harlem Urban Development Corporation
“It is with the utmost confidence that I recommend RKA for its professionalism and exemplary design skills. The firm’s conscientious dedication is certainly characterized by the prize winning design and its particular acceptability by the NYC Art Commission.”
— Robert L Trotta, P.E.
Managing Engineer, O’Brien & Gere
Rod Knox opened ROD KNOX ARCHITECT in 1980 after 15 years working in a variety of firms from large to small: HOK, SOM, Richard Meier, Charles Gwathmey, Ulrich Franzen, as well as completing projects with Peter Eisenmann, Paul Rudolph, etc. During these same years Rod Knox was a professor of architecture at Cooper Union, from 1977-2017. See MORE
“U.N.City” East River Infill Project link here
Harlem-on-the-Hudson Esplanade Harlem Urban Development Corporation 5 Waterfront Blocks 125th Street & Hudson River Listed in A.I.A. Guide to NYC
AIA Guide To New York City
Breeze House Prototype
Eco-Tourism Resort; Oracabessa, Jamaica
Sidewalk Bridge Design Competition
Tours of City Hall and World Trade Center Guides Gallimard Editions Nouveux-Loisirs 1994 Award Winning Guide to NYC
St Albans Congregational Church
St. Albans Congregational Church New Sanctuary & Family Center St. Albans, NY
Miss Whistler Children's Book Written by Peter Nourjian Illustrated by Rod Knox
Pittsburgh Corning Design Excellence Award
Mayflower Pumping Station
Bradhurst Housing
East River in-fill Project, NYC
East River in-fill Project. Photo: Albert Watson for Vogue
East River in-fill Project, Dam Detail
Founded firm in 1980.
Board of Directors, Pro Bono Design, Open Space Initiative NYC 2012
RA Registered Architect NY
NCARB Certified for Interstate Practice
M ARCH Harvard University 1976
B ARCH The Cooper Union 1975
B ART The Cooper Union 1970
US Navy 1961-65
Professor: Cooper Union: 1977 – 2017
Selected other:
Series of Lectures on the Decorative Arts FIT 2010
Panelist: Black Space NYIT Symposium 2005
Visiting Critic: Harvard, City College, University of Pittsburgh, Cambridge, Bartlett, AA, Universita IUAV di Venezia, Howard, Catholic University
Partial List:
Durbin Grant, 2004
Dale Harris Grant, 2002
Graham Foundation Scholarship Grant
Peer Review: NYC DDC, 2001 & 2002
Community Board 9 “Open Space Planning”
Paris Vogue: East River In-Fill Project
NYS Governor’s Award Citation 1995
Guides Gallimard: NYC 1994 tours of NYC
NY Times Hudson Waterfront Project
Professional Excellence Award, Cooper Union
Distinguished Alumni Award, Cooper Union 1993
Pittsburgh Corning Design Award, 1991
Japan Architect: House for an Intersection
City College IRADAC Exhibit 1990
Speaker: NY Society for Ethical Culture
AIA Teaching and Practice 1985
NY Construction News: Mayflower Award
Yale Exhibition East River Reclamation Project
Lotus International: Cubist House Project
Education of an Architect: Cooper Union Ed.
Window Room Furniture: Cooper Union Ed.
Skyline Magazine
RKA has completed a wide variety of projects in New York City and abroad. The firm is renowned for inventive solutions to difficult programs, budgets and time constraints.
Mayflower Pumping Station: $25M
Harlem-on-the-Hudson Esplanade: $5M
Bradhurst Redevelopment: block of 7 buildings: $30M
St. Albans Church
Aunt Lens Toy & Doll Museum Project
Boys Choir of Harlem School Project
1515 Broadway, 4 floors NY State Corporate Offices: UDC, DED and IDC
McDonalds Fieldhouse: NYC Parks Dept.
The UN-City Project, 600-acre reclamation of the West channel in the East River, 1997
Riverwalk Retreat: Eco-lux Jamaican resort 2009
Apartment for Stargazer NYC 2012
As well, several restaurants and private residences.
Metamorphosis of Style: The 1893 Columbian Exposition and the 1936 Texas State Fair.
Brutalist Utopias and other Oxymoronic Concepts In Architecture.
Form Follows Philosophy: Beauty is Truth
Neoplasticism: An Idea That Fell Flat.
Dormant Strains: Byzantine, Islamic, Gothic
The Vesica: Gateway to Paradise
Caravaggio: Shadowy Plots and Dark Dramas
Feminine Form: Do women make better buildings?
Harlem: Boulevards of Bogus Dreams
Early Skyscrapers: The Tall Thin Towers of NYC
Architecture, Eloquence
COMMENTS from students:
“Take at least one course with this man, regardless of major. This man IS Cooper. Expert (and registered) architect. This class changed my life and the way I approach art, architecture and critical thinking. Be prepared for debate, and to defend your thoughts. I live for this man! A true genius.”
“Might have been the most honest professor I ever had. He loved opinions and would make even quiet students share what they were thinking. He had curiosity and insight into everything and made the built world a richer place, which is just what studying architecture is meant to do. The field trips made all the words and lessons feel real.”
“Professor Knox lives and breathes architecture and will discuss any aspect of it tirelessly. Ask him to review your studio work too. Textbook: Aesthetics and Architecture by Edward Winters.”