Seating Crisis

Shaking leg, restless leg, trembling thighs and the many other quivering leg movements that people impose on others sitting next to them is an inexcusable aggression. One must endure this anti-social behavior or find another seat. At worst you may have to leave the theater but on a fully booked flight your choice is to stand in the galley because they will make no effort to be good neighbors.

In most cases the cure is to simply get off the balls of your feet and place your soles flat on the ground but chances are that if you say this they might get violent or make matters worse by widening their stance.

This outrage is slightly worse than the inconsiderate men on the subway who spread out over three seats while others are forced to stand. It’s incredulous that they refuse to close their knees no matter what. Women achieve the same effect with bags on the seat. Not to mention those who cross their legs blocking the isle or even putting the sole of their shoe on your knee.

Also, they should ban reclining seats in all modes of transportation that maximize capacity. I have noticed that young people have a tendency to slouch as if they have no backbone and will recline at the slightest possibility. They are especially prone to assuming the horizontal position and will find a way to do it even in a straight back chair. They also seem to have an uncontrollable urge to get their legs off the floor and on to the seat, the table, and ultimately to an elevation above their heads. 




Barack to the Future