In Praise Of Dilettantes and Other Fakers
“You can’t get higher than architect”. So says Seinfeld character George Costanza whenever he pretends to be an architect. He also likes to say “it’s not a lie if you believe it”. It’s funny to watch his antics but when he starts believing his own lies it becomes frightening.
Actor JASON ALEXANDER as George Costanza.
No one is more shocked than he at how successful his masquerade has become. The avant-garde can’t get enough of him, commissions are pouring in, and now he is considering a tenured position at Princeton.
Technology has given George the ability to give form to his bizarre fabrications. At the press of a button he’s Charles Gwathmey and men of letters can’t tell them apart. Yes, George can do the Guggenheim and it wouldn’t take him very long.
Who needs to pass a test for minimum standards when everything is make-believe? Life is just an illusion. Fake architects have no problem with fake doctors, fake lawyers, and fake friends. Fake labels will do just fine because there are a lot of fakers out there.
Diogenes could not find an honest man and neither can the AIA. It is pathetic that a so-called professional organization cannot recognize an architect in a room full of penguins. George has no idea how powerful he is. By simply believing his own lies he has demonstrated that you can’t get higher than dilettante.
Oooh what a world.