Burn in Hell

Taking more than your fair share is stealing.

The great technology heist.

William Morris (1834-96) predicted technology would eventually free us from the burden and tedium of the factory to pursue the finer things in life. He imagined technology as the slave that would power a utopia better than the one in the sky in the sweet bye and bye – and he was right.  

But where is it? In the pockets of billionaire Robber Barons who stole it and are working us to death. That’s what happens when you walk by faith and not by sight.

Ignorance is bliss… for billionaires, grifters and phish.

Taking more than your fair share is stealing. The technology heist is way beyond grand larceny and yet no one goes to jail. Taxpayers seeded the industry and yet we have no share. Where is this rule of law you speak of? We can only hope they burn in hell.

The Crucifixion, Jan van Eyck, 1441 (detail)

Jan van Eyck, 1441 The Crucifixion (detail), Metropolitan Museum of Art

iPhone case

William Morris pattern on iPhone case


Individual -vs- Collective


Biden’ his time